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ADVANCE PRIVATE | Advanced | Darwis Triadi School of Photography



1. Commercial Studio Lighting
2. Praktek Comm Studio Lighting
3. Teori Fashion Stylist
4. Fashion Photography
5. Praktek Fashion Photography
6. Food Photography
7. Praktek Food Photography
8. Wedding Photography
9. Praktek Wedding Photography
10. Photography Jurnalistik
11. Model Art
12. Praktek Model Art
13. Lighting Character
14. Praktek Lighting Character
15. Art Still Life
16. Lighting With Improvisation
17. Mix Light

NOTE : Materi bisa pilih yang tertera diatas sesuai keperluan, sebanyak 4X pertemuan ( 4 materi ( Teori + Prektek )

waktu dan tempat disesuaikan kebutuhan

Biaya: Rp 25.000.000

Jam: disesuaikan (4 x pertemuan @ 3 - 4 Jam)

Syarat dan Ketentuan :

- Peserta memiliki kamera jenis apapun yang bisa dioperasikan manual


WA 08117220630

keterangan: Jadwal bisa berubah sewaktu2.
Up date info hubungi : 021- 7182048 / 61 , WA 0811 7220 630
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