Rangkuman Profil Tenaga Pelatih :
Heru Sungkono Lahir di kota Cirebon 44 tahun yang lalu, dan menghabiskan masa kecil sampai remaja di kota perbatasan antara Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah tersebut. Kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan di sebuah universitas swasta di kota Bandung dan menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 dengan gelar Sarjana Teknik.
Pendidikan :
Preliminary School (1982 – 1988) : Sekolah Dasar Kristen II BPK PENABUR, Cirebon
Junior High School (1988 – 1991) : Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama I BPK PENABUR, Cirebon
Senior High School (1991 – 1994) : Sekolah Menengah Umum I BPK PENABUR, Cirebon
University (1994 – 2000) : Bachelor Degree Programme (S-1) at FACULTY OF ENGINEERING,
Pengalaman Kerja :
Joining Darwis Triadi Photographers Community (since 2017)
Instructur Darwis Triadi School Of Photography ( 2019 - Now )
Interpreter Ministry for Abroad Guest Speaker (Singapore, Malaysia, Netherland, USA) at Ecclesia Prayer Fellowship Bandung & Cirebon (occasionally, since 1998)
Building a network between youth leaders of some local churches at Cirebon Youth Fellowship (August 2002 – June 2006)
Coordinator of Christian youth community named Komunitas Anak Muda (KAMU) at Bekasi (Sept 2006 – 2015)
Working as Project Officer, Event Coordinator on Mahanaim Foundation’s events (2005 - 2013)