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OUR INSTRUCTORS Sandriani Permani sasandri
Sandriani Permani
Nama : Sandriani Permani
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Place and Date of Birth : Bandung,14 November 1978
Nationality : Indonesian
Home Address : Legenda Wisata Cibubur Estate, Galileo Zone, L2 No 3, West Java, Indonesia - 16967


Having first picked up a DSLR camera at early 2008 and a few years laterin 2010 starting the first assignment as a professional photographer, I have always strived to control the many variables that go to create great photographs

When I am on a shoot I always aware of what photographs I am going to get but there is also a sense or feeling that allows me to keep looking and re framing and trying to see the scene with my eyes, Using the skills and experiences that I have developed since having my first camera

Photography is my passion and it taking over my life, I never leave home without my camera in my bag through the fear of missing oneshoot or another , Because you never know what you are going to see.


PT. OTTO Pharmacy Indonesia : Secretary at Maeketing department PT> OTTO Pharmacy Indonesia - Bandung
( Februari 2003 - April 2005 )
BANK JASA ARTA Bandung : Teller at Bank Jasa Arta - Jl Suniaraja No.82 Bandung
( April 2001 - July 2002 )


Workshop Photography
- ( 2012 ) Sharing Photography 1, Selasar Sunaryo - Bandung
- (2012 ) Sharing Photography 2, Beauty Exposure - Balaikota Bandung

Couple/Wedding Photography
-Puji Lestari & Irfan Rahadian ( 2010 )
- Arie Widyautami & Achmad Zaenul Muttaqin, with Triangle ( 2011 )
-Ratna Emaningsih & Burhan Muzaffar ( 2011 )
- Oktarina Dwidya Sistha & Adhitya Afriza Pratama, with Triangle ( 2011 )
- Tessa Atmaningtyias & Igoes Hariawan ( 2011 )
- Karmia tandjung & Akbar Nasution ( 2012 )
- Pepi Oktaviani & Didik Harianto ( 2012 )
- Rufi Tasmayanti & Rizki Yoga ( 2012 )
- Lasma Andrianti & Dimas Satrioprojo Collabrorate with Suxxamoto Photography ( 2012 )
- Luluk Avika & Haris Afandi ( 2012 )

Company Profile
- TNI Angkatan Udara< Skadron # Madiun< Jawa Tengah ( 2011 )
- Petrochina - Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur ( 2012 )

- ( S1 Degree ) Open University Of Indonesia ( Universitas Terbuka )
( 2003 - 2005 ) Major : Management
- Diploma Degree ) Polytechnic of Bandung, Indonesia
( 1998 - 2001 ) Major : Computer

Courses and Certifications

Brainmati cs IT Training - Jakarta Linux Fundamental
( November 2009 )

Adventist English conversation Course of English Conversation
( June 2005 - December 2005 ) Level Basic and Intermediate

Polytechnic of Bandung Training on Computer System
( October 2000 )

Education and Cultuire Department of West java Pasukan pengibar bendera Jawa Barat ( Paskibraka )
( August 1995 )

Organization Experiences
( 2000 - 2001 ) Member of Management Students Association ( HMTK - Politeknik Negeri Bandung )
( 1999 - 2000 ) Member of Student Branch POLBAN, in section Publicity
( 1994 - 1997 ) Member of Paskibra ( Pasukan Pengibar Bendera ) Kotamadia Bandung

Leisure Interests
I enjoy photography,Enjoying sports, mainly swimming , Listening music and travelling.